Planned Giving
What is your legacy? It is a difficult question, but can be measured in the impact you leave when you are no longer here. Fairly easily your legacy can be measured by Lives Saved. How many people can say that? You can by planning ahead, and making a bequest to the Thulani Senior German Shepherd Rescue, Inc. (TSGSR). You can change the future for GSD’s that have lost their homes, are abandoned and are desperately in need.
A legacy of lives is something to be proud of and will enter you into the elite membership of the Thulani Shepherds’ Legacy Circle. As a Circle member your gift will be acknowledged on our website in perpetuity, with a memorial tribute upon your passing, and a gorgeous certificate of recognition upon your notifying us of the gift. Being a Circle member will entitle you to benefits in this lifetime too, as you will receive lifetime recognition by TSGSR.
The information in the downloadable pdf can help you decide with your attorney how a planned gift might be implemented naming the Thulani Senior German Shepherd Rescue, in your will, trust or as a designated beneficiary. The process is quite straight-forward. If you choose to move forward with this type of giving, we strongly recommend that you consult with your attorney and/or financial planner. If you have questions for us please contact us at donate@ThulaniSeniorGSR.org
In addition to supporting the Thulani Senior German Shepherd Rescue, a planned gift also serves as an example to your heirs of the values and ideals you hold dear and this is another lasting legacy. A bequest also can reduce the amount of your taxable estate, which may increase the actual amount available to loved ones, doubling the impact of your legacy. The time is now to set up an appointment with your attorney. Just download the pdf as it contains the information they will need to get you started with a legacy of lives saved.
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