About Us
Thulani Senior German Shepherd Rescue (TSGSR) is a rescue that focuses on helping German Shepherds with limited life expectancy, typically measured in months or possibly as much as a year, due to terminal illnesses or simply old age. Medical condition is not a restriction as long as the dog has some quality life left to it, no matter how short that time may be.
Thulani has evolved since 2009 (Our History) from helping a few dogs each year during the first few year, to one in which we help about 70 new dogs each year. We started by servicing animal shelters primarily in the greater San Francisco Bay region, but our responsibilities have expanded to include all of California and Nevada (Our Area). This expansion has been driven primarily by the widespread need for the types of services that Thulani provides, and by the general lack of other organizations able to provide these services. Our goal is to save 100 dogs annually, a number we estimate will be necessary to prevent any Thulani-qualified GSD from dying prematurely in a shelter.
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact us at info@ThulaniSeniorGSR.org
The goals of TSGSR are:
to rescue terminally ill German Shepherds from immediate life threatening situations at animal shelters or from other circumstances in which the dog is in immediate danger
to provide immediate medical, physical, and living-situation support in order to re-establish a quality existence for the dog
to provide a permanent family home for the dog in which it can live out its natural life in a warm and loving environment for as much quality life as it has left. This home is effectively a hospice sanctuary for the German Shepherd.
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