Join Us

•    If you have a love for German Shepherds
•    If you have a passion for rescuing animals in need
•    If you especially are drawn to the plight of the most vulnerable of the rescue community, the terminally ill or the extremely old
•    If you are willing to work rather than simply talk about your passion

then we would like to offer you the opportunity to join us in the Thulani Program.

In strolling through this site, you will have seen that our ‘shakedown cruise’ with the Thulani Program over the first 2.5 years had been a success, and that we subsequently expanded significantly the geographic area from which we will accept dogs into the program, now including all of California and northwestern Nevada, resources permitting.  We now have stabilized at bringing in 40-50 new dogs each year.

This is an opportunity for you to get in on the ‘ground floor’ of an exciting, vibrant, worthwhile, and badly needed program that will make a huge difference.  We need motivated people with ideas, enthusiasm, and especially a deepseated empathy for the Thulani Dogs.

“I always wanted to do something more significant and more tangible to help animals. This program makes me feel like I’m really making a difference. And my foster is so wonderful, she’s worth it!”
Suzanne Wagner

Please see the pages below (Foster) for some of the ways that you could get involved.  If after reading these, you still would like to consider joining us or would like additional information, please contact me directly at

Bob Jachens
Thulani Senior German Shepherd Rescue


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